spss主成分分析的主成分是如何得出来的Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
车位 73 .000 2.182 .77764 .427170
户型 73 2.00 26.00 7.2740 3.71282
均价 73 2200 18260 6736.14 3072.573
楼盘 73 1.0 73.0 37.000 21.2171
绿化率 73 20.00 70.00 38.2055 9.07830
配套设施 73 3.0 15.0 8.658 2.0359
位子 73 3.00 9.00 6.8630 1.57511
物业费 73 .70 12.40 2.9963 2.06507
物业状态 73 .00 1.00 .6164 .48962
原装修 73 .00 25.00 14.4932 6.50240
总套数 73 80.0 8000.0 1074.014 1310.1844
总占地 73 .180 104.000 9.26299 15.167911
Valid N (listwise) 73
Correlation Matrix
Zscore: 车位 Zscore: 户型 Zscore: 均价 Zscore: 楼盘 Zscore: 绿化率 Zscore: 配套设施 Zscore: 位子 Zscore: 物业费 Zscore: 物业状态 Zscore: 原装修 Zscore: 总套数 Zscore: 总占地
Correlation Zscore: 车位 1.000 .298 .520 -.015 .024 .382 .141 .474 -.239 .475 -.326 -.161
Zscore: 户型 .298 1.000 .140 -.010 .036 .158 -.314 .213 .059 .032 .074 .232
Zscore: 均价 .520 .140 1.000 -.156 -.080 .335 .396 .890 -.096 .321 -.264 -.189
Zscore: 楼盘 -.015 -.010 -.156 1.000 .061 .032 -.101 -.196 -.039 .087 .051 .044
Zscore: 绿化率 .024 .036 -.080 .061 1.000 .078 -.377 -.024 -.060 -.102 .153 .181
Zscore: 配套设施 .382 .158 .335 .032 .078 1.000 .219 .301 -.064 .189 -.190 -.241
Zscore: 位子 .141 -.314 .396 -.101 -.377 .219 1.000 .164 -.087 .221 -.230 -.432
Zscore: 物业费 .474 .213 .890 -.196 -.024 .301 .164 1.000 -.061 .303 -.215 -.102
Zscore: 物业状态 -.239 .059 -.096 -.039 -.060 -.064 -.087 -.061 1.000 -.167 .009 .078
Zscore: 原装修 .475 .032 .321 .087 -.102 .189 .221 .303 -.167 1.000 -.253 -.246
Zscore: 总套数 -.326 .074 -.264 .051 .153 -.190 -.230 -.215 .009 -.253 1.000 .702
Zscore: 总占地 -.161 .232 -.189 .044 .181 -.241 -.432 -.102 .078 -.246 .702 1.000
Initial Extraction
Zscore: 车位 1.000 1.000
Zscore: 户型 1.000 1.000
Zscore: 均价 1.000 .963
Zscore: 楼盘 1.000 1.000
Zscore: 绿化率 1.000 1.000
Zscore: 配套设施 1.000 1.000
Zscore: 位子 1.000 .996
Zscore: 物业费 1.000 .971
Zscore: 物业状态 1.000 1.000
Zscore: 原装修 1.000 1.000
Zscore: 总套数 1.000 1.000
Zscore: 总占地 1.000 1.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Total Variance Explained
Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings
Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 3.358 27.987 27.987 3.358 27.987 27.987
2 1.895 15.789 43.777 1.895 15.789 43.777
3 1.284 10.703 54.479 1.284 10.703 54.479
4 1.074 8.952 63.431 1.074 8.952 63.431
5 .989 8.242 71.674 .989 8.242 71.674
6 .881 7.339 79.013 .881 7.339 79.013
7 .779 6.489 85.502 .779 6.489 85.502
8 .648 5.402 90.904 .648 5.402 90.904
9 .414 3.453 94.357 .414 3.453 94.357
10 .390 3.248 97.605 .390 3.248 97.605
11 .216 1.803 99.408 .216 1.803 99.408
12 7.105E-02 .592 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Component Matrix(a)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Zscore: 车位 .712 .359 .244 4.792E-03 7.226E-02 -.172 -5.534E-02 .114 .388 -.287 -.143
Zscore: 户型 9.824E-02 .685 -2.751E-02 -.342 .329 -.235 -.332 -9.636E-02 5.671E-02 .341 3.645E-02
Zscore: 均价 .816 .265 -.310 .143 -4.749E-02 .159 .194 -.207 6.647E-03 4.856E-02 1.358E-02
Zscore: 楼盘 -.139 6.527E-03 .659 1.754E-02 .457 .401 .223 -.353 3.271E-02 1.713E-02 -7.354E-03
Zscore: 绿化率 -.196 .439 .367 -.113 -.662 .177 .256 .122 .159 .210 4.199E-02
Zscore: 配套设施 .528 .170 .206 -.199 -.121 .515 -.483 .176 -.218 -.132 4.461E-02
Zscore: 位子 .524 -.533 -.212 .317 8.305E-02 .301 -.154 8.463E-02 .309 .237 .111
Zscore: 物业费 .734 .404 -.330 6.533E-02 -7.779E-02 7.128E-02 .254 -.208 -.184 -1.522E-02 -4.297E-02
Zscore: 物业状态 -.210 -4.265E-02 -.434 -.649 .258 .326 .303 .253 .110 -3.833E-02 -4.448E-02
Zscore: 原装修 .580 2.221E-02 .325 .174 .304 -.178 .296 .508 -.198 .125 5.275E-02
Zscore: 总套数 -.589 .409 -.178 .482 .111 .269 -9.704E-02 .183 -2.612E-02 .105 -.286
Zscore: 总占地 -.546 .623 -.192 .308 .167 8.328E-02 4.029E-02 8.424E-02 7.404E-02 -.206 .300
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
a 11 components extracted.